If you have a garden, and you plant everything in a box or pot, this is the definition of container gardening. In many ways, this is the easiest type of gardening of all, as you can more easily avoid many of the common problems that other types of gardeners have to face, such as pests. By using container gardening, you can open yourself up to growing a beautiful garden of flowers, vegetables, or herbs of your choice – here’s what you do.
In the recent past, rooftop gardening has become a vogue thing. These are taking places in cities all over the place, plus they can allow individuals to have a low cost source of food and also some foliage and something pretty to look at while living in the city. Because it is outdoors and receives plenty of sunshine (which gardens need), a roof can be an idyllic spot for a garden. The type of rooftop garden you have will depend on your circumstances. If you call an apartment building your home, then you can either connect with or start up a community garden which is shared by several different people. You can build your own personal rooftop container garden, if the house you reside in happens to have a flat roof.
One advantage container gardening has over traditional gardening is that it’s appropriate for people of all ages and conditions. People that have gardens know that there is quite a bit of strenuous activity involved including bending and digging. For people who are elderly or handicapped, these actions may be difficult or impossible. Container gardening gives you the ability to move your garden where you want it to be and not be bound by the location of the garden itself. People with limited mobility can still participate in container gardening for this reason. This enables people to enjoy the benefits and pleasures of gardening who would otherwise be deprived of this.
People that try container gardening soon realize there are many different approaches that can be taken. Commonly, a separate pot will be used for each planted to grow making each easy to tend to. The issue of compatibility, though sometimes problematic, is no longer an issue because of using a variety of containers. However, it can be nice to have large containers that have several types of plants, vegetables or flowers. Compatibility, if you do use larger containers to accommodate more plants, then becomes an issue to deal with. Plants that need water, and plants that do not, such as a cactus, should never be planted in the same container. If you have several plants sharing a container, you should also avoid plants that tend to spread and invade the space of its neighbors.
Container gardening is getting more fashionable all the time, because folks wish to grow their own veggies and herbs. We do not all have a significant amount of space to designate to a garden; or the time it takes to properly manage one. We may all like to have and maintain a full sized garden; even though a container garden takes time, it will be time easily given.